
A Venetian, an Artisan


Lino Tagliapietra earned the rank of “maestro” at 23 but it do not stop him from learning or challenging himself. During this period the Venetian glass industry was going downhill. To find someone willing to labor in front of a punishing fire was a rarity; the once prolific fires scattered throughout the island went out one by one. On the other side of the ocean, American Studio Glass was just getting started.

American artists – passionate but lacking technical knowledge and their Venetian counterparts – technically advanced yet creatively stalled, appeared before Tagliapietra simultaneously. The Americans beckoned to him yet he knew how protective his homeland was of their glassworking secrets.

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It is our luck that Venice had long abolished the death sentence upon anyone who revealed the secrets of Venetian glassblowing to outsiders but it did not mean that Tagliapietra did not receive criticism for travelling to the US to teach.

Fellow Venetian glassworkers condemned his choice, “What you do is your business but don’t reveal too much because what you know does not belong to you, it is part of our tradition and spreading it to others is wrong.”

He responded: All our knowledge comes from someone or somewhere; knowledge does not belong to any one person or entity. No one brought technical know-how to Murano, it was developed as glassblowers worked together and pushed each other to try new and different things. I like America because the Americans believe knowledge is to be shared.

Lino Teaching at Pilchuck


When a tradition is not shared, it is lost. And then it becomes a loss for all humankind. At the intersection between the past and future, Tagliapietra was given a choice. How does one extract oneself from a national view and embrace a worldview from a historical perspective? How does one become aware of a global cultural and artistic inheritance? For someone whose soul has been imbued with glass since he was 10 years old, this would be the choice that would affirm his legacy.